The data breach, carried out by a threat actor named IntelBroker, has allegedly exposed sensitive details such as full names, emails, phone numbers, banking information, and more.
Belarusian hacktivist group, the Cyber-Partisans, launched a cyberattack on the country’s leading state-owned media outlet, wiping the main website servers and backups, as a retaliatory measure against President Lukashenko’s propaganda campaign.
Gallery Systems, a museum software provider, has revealed that it experienced a ransomware attack last week, leading to ongoing IT outages. The attack caused the company to take systems offline to prevent further encryption.
Ransomware attacks in the US reached record levels in 2023, targeting hospitals, schools, government organizations, and private-sector businesses, costing victims an average of $1.5 million to rectify.
Fallon Ambulance Services, a subsidiary of Transformative Healthcare, was targeted in a ransomware attack that exposed the personal information of nearly a million people. The attack occurred in February 2023 and was discovered in April 2023.
The European Central Bank will conduct cyber stress tests on 109 banks in Europe to assess their resilience against cyberattacks. The tests will simulate disruptive cyberattacks and evaluate how the banks respond and recover.
The stolen funds are believed to be linked to North Korean hacking groups, such as Lazarus, who use cryptocurrency cyberattacks to bypass international sanctions and finance their weapons development program.
While the decryptor only works on older versions of Black Basta and has been patched in newer attacks, it provides hope for victims who were affected between November 2022 and the recent bug fix.
The Inc Ransom ransomware group has published several documents, including emails and an invoice, as proof of the hack. It is unclear how much data has been stolen from Xerox Corp.
The technique leverages executables in the trusted WinSxS folder, making it possible to run nefarious code without elevated privileges and introduce potentially vulnerable binaries into the attack chain.