The threat actor’s campaigns attempt to convince high-profile North American and European government officials as well as CEOs of prominent companies and celebrities into participating in recorded phone calls or video chats.
Security analysts at Metabase Q uncovered the new FiXS ATM malware that targets Mexican bank customers. Though the initial attack vector is unclear as of now, analysts have discovered hackers using an external keyboard, like in Ploutus attacks. The FiXS malware releases money 30 minutes after the latest ATM reset, leveraging the Windows GetTickCount API.
The Chinese threat actors reportedly leveraged “valid credentials” to compromise ASEAN’s Microsoft Exchange servers, which used and domains.
The app was found to send the contents of the clipboard to a remote server if a particular pattern was present, though it is not clear whether there was any malicious intent behind the behaviour.
A cryptojacking operation was found using an authentic, open-source command-line file transfer service to carry out its attack against misconfigured Redis database servers. Although the objective of the campaign is to mine cryptocurrencies, the script performs several additional tasks to ensure the effective utilization of resources. It is imperative that administrators actively monitor any misconfigurations […]
Hackers have stolen several terabytes of corporate and employee information from controversial Brazilian multi-national Andrade Gutierrez, in a raid the firm reportedly still hasn’t acknowledged.
The list of stolen data included confidential slides and presentations, technical manuals, Windows Imaging Format files, binaries of various types, backend infrastructure data, product model documentation, and information about various devices.
Over two-thirds of European organizations have begun developing a zero trust strategy, up from around a quarter in 2020, according to Forrester. The analyst house said a further 15% were planning to adopt zero trust tech.
The Sandbox blockchain game is warnings its community that a security incident caused some users to receive fraudulent emails impersonating the game, trying to infect them with malware.
“The hospital’s press department said that all written work was being done on paper and that the hospital was diverting new urgent cases to other hospitals in the city,” states the Associated Press.