Book a DEMO / POV

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  • – select a option –
  • Demo
  • Presentation
  • Both
– select a option –
Please select an action
Please select an action
  • – select a product –
  • Darktrace (Ai Cyberdefense)
  • Nexusguard (Ddos)
  • Cymulate (Cybersecurity assessment)
  • Pcysys (Automated pe testing)
  • Consulting Services
  • Remediations services
  • IT Services
  • Telcos and ISP- Sandvine
  • Boostedge
– select a product –
Please select a product
Please select a product


Book a DEMO / POV

The best date for you ?

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Please select a date
Please select a date

What time works?

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Please indcate the time
Please indcate the time
Your First Name
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Your Last Name
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Your E-mail Address
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Your phone number
Please enter a phone number
Please enter a phone number
  • – select a option –
  • Demo
  • Presentation
  • Both
– select a option –
Please select an action
Please select an action
  • – select a product –
  • Darktrace (Ai Cyberdefense)
  • Nexusguard (Ddos)
  • Cymulate (Cybersecurity assessment)
  • Pcysys (Automated pe testing)
  • Consulting Services
  • Remediations services
  • IT Services
  • Telcos and ISP- Sandvine
  • Boostedge
– select a product –
Please select a product
Please select a product

Cyware Feed

New Google Workspace Feature Prevents Sensitive Security Changes if Two Admins Don’t Approve Them

If the feature is enabled, certain sensitive admin actions can be taken only if approved by an admin who did not initiate them and thus, in theory, preventing accidental or unauthorized changes made by either malicious insiders or outsiders
