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  • – select a option –
  • Demo
  • Presentation
  • Both
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Please select an action
  • – select a product –
  • Darktrace (Ai Cyberdefense)
  • Nexusguard (Ddos)
  • Cymulate (Cybersecurity assessment)
  • Pcysys (Automated pe testing)
  • Consulting Services
  • Remediations services
  • IT Services
  • Telcos and ISP- Sandvine
  • Boostedge
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Book a DEMO / POV

The best date for you ?

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Please select a date

What time works?

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Please enter a phone number
  • – select a option –
  • Demo
  • Presentation
  • Both
– select a option –
Please select an action
Please select an action
  • – select a product –
  • Darktrace (Ai Cyberdefense)
  • Nexusguard (Ddos)
  • Cymulate (Cybersecurity assessment)
  • Pcysys (Automated pe testing)
  • Consulting Services
  • Remediations services
  • IT Services
  • Telcos and ISP- Sandvine
  • Boostedge
– select a product –
Please select a product
Please select a product

Cyware Feed

Redline and Vidar Stealers Abuse EV Certificates, Deploy Ransomware

Threat actors behind RedLine and Vidar have streamlined their operations by adding well-established tactics to deceive victims. The victim initially receives an info stealer with Extended Validation (EV) code signing certificates, but later starts receiving ransomware payloads through the same channel. Experts advise organizations to adopt a proactive approach to thwart attacks early in the threat cycle.
