These attachments, as per Microsoft Threat Intelligence’s blog post, contain malware that steals your login credentials, or they might redirect you to a fake website that looks like a legitimate tax platform designed to capture your information.
The vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to expose assets in the environment, with a high impact on confidentiality, integrity, and availability, without requiring user interaction.
Devised by researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz-Center for Information Security, the attack uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and impacts an estimated 300,000 host and their networks.
An analysis of 100,000+ Windows malware samples has revealed the most prevalent techniques used by malware developers to successfully evade defenses, escalate privileges, execute the malware, and assure its persistence.
New research has shed light on the profound impact of ransomware attacks on the IT and construction sectors, revealing that these industries bore the brunt of nearly half of all incidents in 2023.
While the language businesses use in Item 1.05 filings are ultimately crafted to notify regulators and investors of potential risks, these words also signal how a company detects, mitigates, contains, and recovers from cyberattacks.
Lynis is a comprehensive open-source security auditing tool for UNIX-based systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD. Its main objective is to evaluate security measures and recommend enhancing system hardening.
1024-bit RSA keys have approximately 80 bits of strength, while the 2048-bit key has approximately 112 bits, making the latter four billion times longer to factor. Experts in the field consider 2048-bit keys safe until at least 2030.
North Korea-linked threat group Kimsuky has adopted a longer, eight-stage attack chain that abuses legitimate cloud services and employs evasive malware to conduct cyber espionage and financial crimes against South Korean entities.
The lawsuit alleges that disruption in claims processing caused by the cyberattack on the company’s Change Healthcare unit and ongoing IT outage is threatening to push the clinic and other providers into bankruptcy.