Cyware Feed

Threat Actors Impersonate Windows News Portal to Distribute RedLine Stealer

A new malvertising campaign has been observed wherein threat actors are copying a legitimate Windows news portal to promote a malicious installer for the popular processor tool CPU-Z. Based on the infrastructure, domain names, and cloaking templates used, researchers believe the incident is part of a larger malvertising campaign targeting other utilities such as Notepad++, […]

Cyware Feed

New BlazeStealer Malware in PyPI Targets Developers

A new set of malicious Python packages has been discovered on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository. These packages masquerade as harmless obfuscation tools but contain a malware called BlazeStealer. The campaign started in January 2023 and includes eight packages. Developers must stay alert and thoroughly assess the reliability and safety of packages before incorporating […]