Threat actors are using advanced cloaking techniques in malvertising campaigns to remain undetected and drop malware, making it more challenging for defenders to identify and report these incidents.
Several LinkedIn users have reported difficulties in recovering their hacked or locked-out accounts through LinkedIn support. Some claimed to have faced ransom demands or account deletion threats. In the past few months, according to Google Trends, there’s been a 5000% increase in searches related to LinkedIn account hacks and recovery.
According to Cofense, who spotted this campaign, this is the first time that QR codes have been used at this scale, indicating that more phishing actors may be testing their effectiveness as an attack vector.
Google on Tuesday announced the release of Chrome 116 to the stable channel with patches for 26 vulnerabilities, including 21 reported by external researchers. Of the externally reported bugs, eight have a severity rating of ‘high.’
The flaws have to do with the service’s lax policy surrounding package names, lacking protections against typosquatting attacks, as a result enabling attackers to upload malicious PowerShell modules that appear genuine to unsuspecting users.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce urged the Securities and Exchange Commission to delay by a year the effective date of new cybersecurity rules, saying the regulatory move could otherwise have “severe consequences” for companies.
The developers of Raccoon Stealer information-stealing malware have ended their 6-month hiatus from hacker forums to promote a new 2.3.0 version of the malware to cybercriminals.
California regulators are examining how automakers and others handle data collected from internet-connected vehicles, the California Privacy Protection Agency said late last month.
Real estate agents’ ability to list or update property information has been compromised by an attack on California-based data services company Rapattoni, which hosts multiple listing services.
The intrusion continues to disrupt “parts of the company’s business operations,” and it is “working diligently to respond to and address this issue, and is also coordinating with law enforcement,” according to the Form 8-K submission.