One company, stage, or process with insufficient security makes the entire chain more vulnerable to hackers and can open up a huge amount of risk when we consider the size and value of global chains.
Malicious hackers are targeting Office 365 users with a spare of ‘MFA fatigue attacks’, bombarding victims with 2FA push notifications to trick them into authenticating their login attempts.
A researcher last week noted that Brave had blocked a Chrome extension called L.O.C. out of concern it exposed the user’s Facebook data to a third-party server without any notice or permission prompt.
A total of 28,695 vulnerabilities were disclosed in 2021, according to a report from Risk Based Security. It puts the amount of risk that organizations and security teams face on full display.
Extend Fertility was hit with ransomware in the month of December 2021. The clinic hired third-party digital forensic specialists to determine the incident’s nature and scope.
The DDoS attacks targeted websites belonging to the armed forces, public radio, defense ministry, and the two biggest national banks – Oschadbank and Privatbank.
Corporate IT teams were faced with a 105% growth in ransomware attacks last year to over 623 million, according to SonicWall. Ransomware attack detections surged 232% since 2019.
Microsoft says phishing attacks focused on web3 and the blockchain can take various forms. One of the threats is attackers trying to obtain private keys to access wallets containing digital assets.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) revealed that the attack that breached its network in January was conducted by a nation-state actor that exploited a Zoho vulnerability.
Researchers couldn’t determine the original source of the file, named NFT_Items.xlsm. Among the two workbooks of the file, one is written in Hebrew.